Nacelle Report

August 2023

Hi Folks,

We have been busy clocking up the miles in June. Saturday 3rd Colin & Eileen led 17 of us on a lovely route to Brooklands Motor Museum. Eleven of us stayed the night in Woking, then in the morning we rode down to Bovington Tank Museum staying the Night in Weymouth. Excellent weekend, thank you Colin & Eileen for arranging it. I say "Ding Dong"

Also in June Andy, Eric, Ian and Richie rode over and stayed in Ypres Belgium for a few days, sampling a few Belgium beers I believe.

Gary and his mate Tim (from Shropshire Branch) showed their Dutch mates Frank and Ton some of the sights of mid Wales before ending their week at the Tiddly Rally. They were blown away with the scenery as its rather flat in the Netherlands.

Graham, Ed, Jim, Rod, Paul and Ken had great time touring parts of Austria, covering over 2000 miles on their trip. 

Derek led Mick and Karen over to Belgium to visit his mate Bob for a few days.

Breakfast runs to Jo's cafe Brookland, Grays cafe Brenchley, Nikki D's cafe Lydd, Orchard Tea Rooms Hartfield.

On Wednesday 28th June 17 of us visited West Sussex Branch at The Plough, Lower Beeding, it was good to have a catch up with them.

Wednesday 26th July - Ride out to The Halfway House, Brenchley leaving Texaco Garage 7pm.

Wednesday 16th August - British Bike Night at The Robin Hood 6:30pm. 

The Mowerman